France has always been known for being the most romantic country in the world, so it should come as no surprise that even their linen sheets are terribly romantic.
Though did you know that before the advent of fancy engagements and expensive weddings these sheets held a currency all of their own. Brides were expected to bring to the marriage only themselves and their trousseau. Her trousseau would include 30-40 homemade embroidered linen sheets for the marriage bed, delicately monogrammed with the initials of her future family.
Monogrammed antique french sheets are beautiful; they can either be used as linen for the bed, tablecloths, made into curtains or used to reupholster furniture. These sheets are still in high circulation today and are often found in beautiful pristine condition due to a rather tragic reason. During times of war throughout French history thousands and thousands of these tenderly embroidered sheets were stored away never to be used, as so many young men were lost in various wars, sadly to never come home to there awaiting fiancees and new wives.
C'est la Vie...
vR x
p.s. a wonderful selection of antique linens are available from french antique stores Appley Hoare and Josephine Ryan
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