One of Timothy O's and my favourite things to do at home is to prepare dinner or a long lunch listening to vinyls. Our record player actually lives in the kitchen amongst the wooden spoons and milk jugs!
Over the weekend we found some new additions to add to our finely curated collection. One of them being 'Shilo' by Neil Diamond.
Now, don't get me wrong, I know what you are thinking, I do have very good music appreciation, however I did grow up listening to Saturday Night Jukebox courtesy of 4KQ and my mother, so I feel as though I have an immunity to Neil Diamond and those maracas.... until now!
My goodness, what vinyl gold! I'm absolutely in love with this album. 'You Got To Me', 'Kentucky Woman', and our absolute favourite 'Shilo' - a dedication to Neil Diamond's imaginary childhood friend - he was a loner. I love you Neil!
P.S. Don't you just love the 'Dot to Dot' cover artwork!
I LOVE Neil Diamond and I'm not ashamed to say it - and on vinyl too. I remember my best friend's mother driving us up the coast listening to Neil Diamond in the Tarago! Oh the memories...