©Kara Rosenlund
So, it has probably occurred to you as much as it has occurred to me that I don't seem to get many comments on my blog. Naturally I have thought about this... **a lot**.
Comments are the equivalent to getting picked for the netball team or the hockey team, or even the school dance, no one likes to look unpopular and be left on the bench.
Timothy O has been bombarded with constant questioning... "Whats the go? Am I really off the mark? Why, why, why? You can tell me the truth you know? Is the blog really that bad? I even take all my own photographs ... is it the photographs, are they really bad?"
... turns out I had one of the comment settings turned off in my blogger account.... which meant it made it rather difficult to make a comment. umm..sorry, turns out it wasn't you after all, it was actually me! Yup, feeling like a bit of a pineapple head right now.
That means anyone can comment on my blog now, even spammers, c'mon, go, comment, tell me what you think.
K xx
P.S How bonkers are pineapples anyway! Bonkers!